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Adam & Eve's Children Did Not Marry Each Other


Summary: Strong Bible references supporting the view that God created other people, and that the children of Adam & Eve did not marry each other! Most think “God only created one couple, their children married each other, and God tolerated it at first!”  God would never be the cause for people to sin, and "tolerate it” as some want us to believe!




  1. “Eve, the mother of all the living” - "The Living" = Those Saved Before The Cross!

  2. "God Created Mankind, Created Them Male and Female"

  3. Incest marriages are against God's instructions!!

  4. Who Were the “sons of God” that Married from Humans? Not Angels!

  5. Cain's Wife Was Not His Sister!!


Prefacing Notes


The children of Adam and Eve were normal people just like us in every way (except they lived longer). Would you want your son and daughter to marry each other? Would they be willing to?!! Even the mere thought of it is sheer horror!! How much more our Holy God would not want this for His creation!!


Was it too difficult for God to create more people? Did He only have potion for one couple?! Would He create others to avoid breaking His own rules and disgraceful incest marriages?! Of course He would!!! Although the Bible only described the creation details of Adam & Eve, it does not mean God did not create other people! There's not a single verse in the Bible that says the children of Adam & Eve married each other! No need to speculate that they did!



1. Eve the mother of all "the living"



This verse has been the main source of confusion in the Christian world:


Genesis 3:20

Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.


"The Living":


As clarified in the verses below, "The Living" in Old Testament terminology means "the spiritually living", the saved from among the Jews, including the patrilineal ancestors of Jesus up to Adam & Eve. It is a term similar to “the Elect”. It does not mean all people on earth.


Examples verses:


Ezekiel 32:31-32

… Pharaoh and all his army will die violently, says the Lord God, because he spread terror throughout the land of the living...


In other words, Pharaoh and his army (the spiritually-dead people) were to be punished because they had terrorized the land where the Jews resided (the spiritually-living people).


Mark 12:26-27 [Jesus answered the Sadducees] "… have you not read in the Book of Moses, in the account of the burning bush, how God said to him, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?  He is not the God of the dead, but of the living"


Here Jesus clarified that God is the “God of the living”, and referenced some of the “dead” forefathers of Jesus, which were from the descendants of Eve. Thus, Eve, their great grand mother was “the mother of the living”. In other words, even though dead physically, they were “living” spiritually because they were saved. 


And the strongest Bible verse about "The Living" to mean the saved from among the Jews is in this prophecy from Isaiah:


‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭4‬:‭3‬

“Those who are left in Zion, who remain in Jerusalem, will be called holy, all who are recorded among the living in Jerusalem.”


This confirms that the term "Eve the mother of all the living" in Genesis 3:20 does not mean the whole earth was populated from one couple! It means God created other couples as He did Adam & Eve. It is likely that Adam and Eve were the first couple, and were the only ones subjected to the tree-test. Adam & Eve were also the only ones who ate from the tree of life, which gave them and their descendants long lives up to 900+ years old. Then after the flood, God limited the human age to 120. Related article: Who Were the Nephilim?


How did Adam know that Eve would be the mother of all the living?


I believe the Book of Genesis has more mystery to decipher than Revelation. The answer is, God told him. As first couple, God had to be their direct parent and told them everything they knew. According to Genesis, God was meeting with them regularly:


Genesis 3:8–9

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”


Consistent with God’s ways, just as He told Moses that the Jewish people would be His chosen people, He also told Adam & Eve that they were chosen by Him and that the Messiah would come from their descendants. Thus, Eve the mother of “the spiritually living”.


Adam & Eve were the First Couple, Placed in the Garden, but the Other People God Created were not Put There


As the focus was on Adam & Eve as the first couple and the lineage of “the living”, the other people God created afterwards were not in focus, as they did not have any of their descendants in “the living“ line. There was no mention of the other people being in the Garden of Eden, nor eating from the tree of life. But after the cross, the gentiles which had genes from the other people’s lines, were invited back into God’s family through believing in Jesus.


This interpretation is very consistent with the rest of Genesis. Did you notice how from all the descendants of Adam & Eve, only the ones that were from the patrilineage of Jesus were described in detail? - The age when they died, who their children were, etc.. Example, from the genealogy of Adam to Noah, which is actually traced all the way to Joseph the surrogate father of Jesus but only showing here the Adam to Noah part:


Luke 3:23-38 

...Noah, the son of Lamech, the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel, the son of Kenan, the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.​



If you look close at Genesis, most of the above names were expanded upon with some level of detail. But the rest of Adam & Eve's descendants before the flood were all rolled into one word, "the Nephilim". More on this in my Nephilim article, The Nephilim. In other words, it is the same consistency of focusing on "the Living" from Adam down, and ignoring the other people.


A side note, the gentiles (the non-Jews) had genes that came from a variety of ancestors like Cain the son of Adam, Ishmail the son of Abraham, Esau the son of Jacob, and of the other humans that God created in Genesis.



2. God "Created Mankind, Created Them Male and Female"


This Genesis1 description sounded a lot more like many, than just 2.


Genesis 1:27-28

So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it...”


This Bible reference was in the 1st chapter of Genesis, the part of Genesis where creation was being described in general terms. The specific details of creating Adam and Eve came later in Genesis 2.


So based on this wording, example, "created them male and female...", He created others the same way as Adam & Eve. It is just that the Bible only provided the details of the Adam & Eve account because they were the ancestors of the Jews and the Messiah Jesus Christ. The answer is simply that the Bible did not provide the details of creating the others.​


Genesis Writing Style


The author of Genesis, Moses, had a consistent writing style. One example is the use of the term "male and female" to mean "males and females". In the verses below, Moses was describing how animals were brought onto the ark, he used the term "male and female" again:


‭‭Genesis‬ ‭6‬:‭19

“And of every living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two of every kind into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female.”


Genesis 7:8-9

Pairs of clean and unclean animals, of birds and of all creatures that move along the ground, male and female, came to Noah and entered the ark


It is obvious in both of these references that Moses used the term "male and female" to mean "males and females"! And therefore the same in Genesis 1:27-28 above, referencing the humans God created.​



3. Incest marriages are against God's instructions!!


Here is what God said about brother and sister marrying each other:


Leviticus 20:17

If a man marries his sister, the daughter of either his father or his mother, and they have sexual relations, it is a disgrace. They are to be publicly removed from their people. He has dishonored his sister and will be held responsible.


You may say this scripture is in Leviticus, long after Adam & Eve. Are you saying our Holy God caused people to sin "and tolerated it", as some churches explain?! Why? Is He not capable of creating others to avoid this disgrace?!​


Abraham Married His Half-Sister


This was not the norm at that time. It was an exception in that culture, and an offense to God. It was Abraham that decided to take the wrong action, not God that caused it! But God looked the other way while focusing on His bigger objective. This was not the only offense from Abraham that God had to disregard. Example, he got with their maid Hagar to have a child, knowing well that it was wrong. All humans are sinners by their choice.



4. Who Were the “sons of God” that Married from Humans?


They were not angelic beings!! This Genesis reference about the "sons of God married daughters of humans" meant, sons of Adam and Eve married from daughters of the other people God created.


Genesis 6:1-2

When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.


In other words, the other humans God created began to increase in numbers, and sons of Adam & Eve married from their daughters.


In the Bible, Adam was called the "son of God":  Luke‬ ‭3‬:‭38 ”the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.“  So it is fitting that Adam's sons also be called the "sons of God", when compared to the other humans God created.


So why weren't the other men God created also called the "sons of God"? Because they were not from "the living" line, and did not eat from the tree of life nor lived longer like the sons of Adam & Eve did. Remember that before the cross, God chose people. He chose from the Jews and their ancestors, up to Adam & Eve, as confirmed in the genealogies retraced several times in the Bible, example Matthew 1:1-17. Also explained in my other article here.



5. Cain's Wife Was Not His Sister!!!


Genesis 4:13-14

Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is more than I can bear. Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”


Cain had just killed his brother Able. So Adam's family number went down to 3: Adam, Eve, and Cain (and possibly some sisters). Who were these other people Cain was afraid of killing him? Answer: They were the children of "humans", from the other people God created!





God creating more people even further explains the variety of races and ethnicities. So no need to trip all over ourselves trying to explain that Adam & Eve possessed multiple genes etc., or maybe black Africans evolved to become Asian or Northern Europeans, or vv.. I believe God created the various types of people, from dust. But likely kept each couple in their own race, creating the women from the rib-bone of their men. The Bible did not provide these details, but this would be consistent with God’s ways as we learn in the Bible. You ask, what about Noah's flood? Answer: Noah, his wife, his sons, and their wives being from different tribes, did carry multiple genes. Then repopulated the earth.


I see many public articles talking about DNA evidence suggesting that we all came from one common ancestor. But I also see public articles about the fact that people and animals share more than 95% of their DNAs! We are in hair-splitting science now! So let's not allow these broad-brush researches to block our view of the Bible!


Theologians are willing to go to any extreme to explain-away the wrong-message from shallow-reading the Bible. But refuse to look closer at the scripure as a whole for the proper explanation!​​​


The Bible is full of mysterious writing! Take Jesus's parables for example. Many of them are still misunderstood, except the ones Jesus explained. Example, the parable of the "farmer sowing seeds" in Matthew 13:24-48. If Jesus did not explain it, people today would still be insisting that Jesus was helping us with agriculture!



Related Articles:

Who Were the Nephilim?

Does God Choose People? Or People Choose God?

Bible Summary



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